Oh Hello, Meditation
An intro to meditation
Every day it can feel like the stress of life is trying to get the best of you. From nonstop video conferences to ongoing misinformation via social media and the state of humanity, just waking up in the morning can feel overwhelming. Meditation and mindfulness practices have been on your mind, but you have no idea if it’s for you or how to start.
I’m here to tell you that you’re going to be okay. No matter what you’re going through or how hard it may be to do it now, you too can meditate. You don’t have to go on an extravagant yoga retreat to Bali or India to find tranquility unless you really want to. Honestly, you can achieve that same peace and clarity in your own home sanctuary with a little practice.
Okay, so you may be asking yourself, what is meditation? The history of this practice goes back thousands of years with traces of it found in Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam. Meditation is an ancient tradition that spans cultures and backgrounds. It can be religious, spiritual, and very personal.
Basically, meditation is a practice to help one find calm and clarity. It can help you de-stress by sifting through all the clutter and noise in your mind to zero in on one thing. Truthfully, it’s a challenge to clear our minds, but we can focus our energy on one thought. Meditation can look like sitting in a quiet corner of your home with your eyes closed. It can even look like laying down outside and staring up at the sky. The best meditators I’ve ever seen are cats because somehow they can drift off into tranquility without any bothers. Humans, of course, have so much on our minds that sometimes meditating can feel like a challenge.
The cool thing is that you get to decide how and when you want to meditate. You are the creator of your own practice. And I am here to guide you along that journey of turning your practice into a ritual. Believe that you can do it and together we can make it happen.
Food for thought: What's keeping you from meditating regularly? Write your thoughts down in a special place or journal.