Pink Supermoon in Scorpio: Let’s Manifest


Well it’s a marvelous night for a Moondance.” I’d have to agree with Van Morrison as today we celebrate a full moon, and not just any full moon, a Pink Supermoon in Scorpio. What does that mean for you? Get ready for emotions, release, and manifestation.

If you’re a sky gazer, tonight the heavens will put on an illuminating show for you as the moon will appear big and bright in the sky. Mr. Moon will look so close to the Earth that you’ll feel like you can reach out and touch it, hence the name Supermoon. Okay, so the moon won’t actually be pink, more like golden to bright white. The name pink moon refers to a certain wildflower moss phlox or pink moss that blooms around this time. 

This is just the first of two supermoons happening this year. Guess what? The second supermoon comes May 26, exactly a month away. We are truly in for a spectacular treat and more. With two super moons back-to-back this means you’ve got a big window for transformation. 

Now you may be saying this astronomy stuff is cool and all, but why does this matter? Everything in this universe is connected.The oceans and the seas are affected by the moon, it’s called tidal force. The average adult body is made up of 60 to 70 percent water. While scientifically the moon’s gravitational pull doesn’t change the water in our bodies, I believe that spiritually and energetically it does. Especially for women, our emotional, physical, and spiritual selves are similar to the waxing and waning of the moon. 

This Supermoon in Scorpio is an emotional one, because Scorpio is just so extra. You know you feel that. A lot of emotions will be coming up for you today and in the next few days. Don’t suppress them. We have a tendency to want to bury those feelings, but this full moon is asking you to allow these emotions to come to the surface. Why? To allow illumination and release. Let these emotions shine a light onto what’s beneath your facade to reveal the deeper underlying fears and themes of your life in this moment. Get real with yourself and be honest. Allow your truth to shine through no matter how scary it may seem initially. 

Spring clean your soul

Once you have opened yourself up to what you’re feeling, identify what’s no longer serving you. Yes you’ve probably heard me say that before, but it’s so real. Spring clean your soul. What used to work for you may not be working anymore. Those coping mechanisms that used to protect you years ago, perhaps you need to let those go and that’s okay. You are not the same person you were then because you’ve grown. Open yourself up and allow your self care practices to evolve with you. 

Clear out that energy to make room for what you do need. Invite change. Once you’re wide open, you can M-A-N-I-F-E-S-T! Instead of focusing on what you don’t want, because we’ve already smudged out that energy, think about what you do want. Dream! Say thanks for where you are in the present and also imagine how you’ll feel once your dreams begin to come true. Call in abundance with every breath. You are worthy of joy, life, and abundance. 

Things to ponder and journal

What do you need to release during this Pink Supermoon? What have you been allowing that isn’t doing it for you anymore? Get specific about the energy you allow into your headspace, your physical space, and your heart space. What fears are you keeping you stagnant? Dig. What energy do you want to invite in? Claim it as your own.

Pink Supermoon Ritual

Listen to your body, journal, and cleanse

We are often unaware of underlying feelings, yet our bodies know because they’re holding onto those emotions. Close your eyes and breathe deeply throughout your body. Allow your breath to guide you to the spaces within yourself that are aching. Ask your body to speak to you. Write in your journal using the above prompts and messages conveyed through your body. 

Light sage, crack open a window, and soak. Take a long bath with pink Himalayan salt and rose petals if you have them. Let the hot bath soothe your body and cleanse away self doubt and fears. 

Now that you’re relaxed and open, get quiet and meditate. Envision the light of the moon on your skin. See yourself being hugged by the stars. Tap into the power of your womb to manifest your dreams. 

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