Healing that Mother Wound

One of the most important relationships in your life is the one with you mom. She brings you into this world after carrying you in her belly for nine months. Mama nurtures you and loves on you before you even make your official debut on Earth. Through her actions she shows you how to love yourself and how to show love to others. Mom teaches you and encourages you even past the point of childhood. Your mom is literally the G.O.A.T. But when you lose her at any age, or perhaps your mom was or has been absent in your life, how do you cope? How do you heal?

This time of year can be triggering for so many who have suffered the loss of a mother. For the past 5 years, my dear friend Ace (yoga and meditation instructor, brand ambassador, and master Reiki practitioner) has been hosting a workshop on Mother’s Day weekend about this very thing. We got a chance to talk about her annual (virtual) event and the process of healing the mother wound.

“What I’ve learned in the last 5 years is my ability to mother myself and those around me,” Ace tells me with warmth and kindness in her voice. At first glance, you can tell without a doubt that Ace is a nurturing soul. She brings out the best in every she encounters. Her approach to holding space for others to heal is by “sharing with compassion and eloquence.” Everyone’s journey is their own and healing looks different for everyone. It’s important to open yourself up to that fact and be patient.  She says “the healing process, it’s forever. There’s no finish line.”

According to Ace, one of the first steps in healing that mother wound is acknowledging it. We often hold back on that grieving process. Life pauses and then picks back up as if nothing’s happened. But of course a big thing did happen. Trying to numb the pain or even trying to over control other situations in one’s life or both just a few of the symptoms that you need to heal. 

“My healing, my way.”

What Ace mentions is that it’s okay to miss your mom’s physical presence, her voice, and her energy. “It’s in moments…like missing that person, the energy of a person where you know you can call them no matter what is going on. And share, and cry, and laugh, and joke, and talk.” You want to share with her your good times and even quirky moments. 

For her, Ace says that she has people in her life now who “embody Ma energy, that hold Ma energy” for her. That’s the chosen family who hold space for you at any given time. Those are the same people you can talk to when, perhaps you do have a mother who is alive that you are no longer in contact with. Ace holds that space for people as well especially when hosting these workshops. She is a healer who is answering to her calling and doing so with an open heart.

Healing this mother wound takes time and love for self. It may to be easy, but it’s worth it. When we heal ourselves, we all the moms that came before us and all the future moms who take up the reins after we are long gone. That motherly spirit lives on. 

Learn more

Ace recently launched a crowdfunding campaign to transform her Embodying the Energy of Joy workshop into an online platform. Find out more by clicking here.