Reclaiming with Jo + Nikia: What is Domestic Abuse?

We are survivors. We were once victims hiding our truth, because that’s what they wanted us to do. They wanted us to feel small and to be quiet about our pain. They, our abusers, convinced us that no one would believe us. They fed us this story that we should be ashamed of what happened. And for a while, we believed them.

Domestic violence (also referred to as intimate partner violence (IPV), dating abuse, or relationship abuse) is a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship. - National Domestic Violence Hotline

As we observe Domestic Violence Awareness Month, my good friend Jomarys and I want to open up and clear the air. Our goals are pretty straightforward:

  1. Tell our story

  2. Draw awareness to the problem of domestic or intimate partner abuse

  3. Give you tools to get help if you’re in need

You can watch our conversation below or listen to it wherever you stream podcasts.

For a quick resource, check out National Domestic Violence Hotline .