Manifesting + Journaling for Survivors

Healing from intimate partner abuse is a process that should be enveloped in love and grace. We acknowledge that this can be a long and arduous task, yet it is necessary to improve your wellbeing. While everyone’s journey to healing may differ, there is definitely one thing that Jo and I can say has helped both of us.

In the midst of tough situations and uncomfortable circumstances, journaling can bring be the light that guides you home to your truth. It can be a powerful tool that allows you to see what you want and plan for how to get there. Abusers want you to feel hopeless like there's no way out... like you have no options. While your life may not be ideal right now, you can dream and plan for something better.

From voice memos to writing affirmations, we have used this form of expression to encourage us that there is so much more for us beyond the name calling, belittling, and controlling behavior of an abuser. It helps us reclaim the voice that truly matters, our own.

If you don’t already, start journaling and manifest everything from healthy relationships to abundance. The rest of November is a divine time to put intention behind your dreams. Believe that you can and you will. Visualize the life you want free of fear, doubt, abuse, and limitations. Make a plan and journal.

Journal Prompts:

  • What does my heart need?

  • What do healthy boundaries look like for me?

  • How can I affirm myself?

Recommended reading:

Set Boundaries Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawaab