How to Create A Sacred Morning
daily rituals For the soul
What a blessing it is to open your eyes each day. What a blessing it is to breathe. Those simple things are but two of the many we often take for granted as we begin our day. These days I am taking nothing for granted and I feel as if the Universe reminds me of how good I’ve got it every chance it gets. The past few days have shown me how sacred my mornings truly are and what I need to do to keep them that way.
What is a sacred morning?
First let’s define sacred. The word means holy, blessed, regarded with respect and reverence, and connected with Spirit. We think of sacred and we think of religious places, holy shrines, spiritual texts. Personally this word means what I treasure and hold dear whether it be a person, thing, space, or time. This thing that is sacred brings me peace when I’m submerged in chaos. It reminds me to slow down, breathe, and take in the get that is life. So what does this have to do with the morning, you may be asking?
Mornings are my jam and my holy hours. They are my me time. Mornings are the only time of day that the world is fresh… fresh with dew, fresh with air, and fresh with intention. Oh my goodness, you can begin, each morning with a renewed sense of purpose! Like a video game or a one of those choose your adventure books, you can choose how your day will unfold. Why not seize the day by starting it in a state of bliss and whatever ensures that you feel good.
I also realize that mornings can be tough for some. Maybe you went to bed with heaviness on your heart. Perhaps you didn’t get the sleep you needed and you awoke in a grumpy mood. The past few days I’ve been awakened by a screaming toddler who is not my own, so I get it. Don’t be the toddler. You have the ability to choose peace and the appropriate tools do so.
What’s the big deal about mornings anyway?
If you’re wondering why I’m putting such emphasis on mornings, here’s why. In trauma and healing therapy we are taught that whenever we are in a state of disarray to take yourself back to a time when you felt safe. That can be a memory from childhood, a tiny moment that you felt peace, or even a place. But if you had a traumatic childhood or you are living in oppression, remembering a time when you were happy can feel almost impossible. There is hope. Each day you can create this safe memory for yourself with your sacred morning.
Creating a morning ritual that feeds your soul is paramount to making sure the rest of your day is a good one. Notice I said good and not perfect. Things will come up through this 24-hour period. The guy who invades your personal space at the supermarket. That email at the end of you day with the last minute deadline. Or back to the screaming kid. You will be challenged, however you can always choose mindfulness to re-calibrate your spirit.
Now the good stuff
In order to create a sacred morning you must dedicate yourself to this. Set an intention to carve out this time for self. Maybe this means waking up a few minutes earlier than your usual. Do it! Cut back on the glaring alarm and opt for a gentle awakening. When your mom woke you up as a kid she didn’t scream in your ear, so why does your alarm? If you’re one who likes to snooze, use your first alarm as your signal to meditate or simply show gratitude and the second alarm as the time you should roll out of bed.
Here’s a big one: don’t pickup your phone to diddle around on social media or check the news. Do you really want to begin your morning with the rest of the world in your ear buzzing like a fly? Heck no! Put the phone down unless you’re playing soothing music, a guided meditation, or something similar.
Once you get out of bed, stretch or do some yoga. Allow your body to move and release any tension or tightness. Take a few deep cleansing breaths as you move. Remember we often hold our breaths when we actually should be breathing. Take your time with it and ease into your day with tenderness.
Turn routines into rituals. Brushing your teeth? Make it special by doing mirror work. Incorporate fresh eucalyptus or essential oils during your shower to make bathing a ritual. Honestly, I’ve even taken a bath on a Monday morning like I was on a luxurious vacation. Instead of speeding through after shower moisturizing, give yourself a mini massage. If aroma therapy keeps you relaxed, light a candle while you get dressed. Everything you do, do it with love and intention and leave any rushing or anxiety out of the equation.
Skip the coffee, drink water and take the green stuff. Controversial, yes I know. But the first thing you put into your system in the morning should probably be water or green juice. Nourish yourself and delay the caffeination until you have something healthy in your system. Of course I’m biased so I’m encouraging you to opt for a tea with light caffeine to help you truly ease into your day. And you can always turn drinking and making tea into its own ritual.
Seal the morning
Before you leave your home to embark on your day or before you begin working, take another moment of peace and gratitude. A benediction if you will. Give thanks for your morning rituals. Give thanks for breath. Ask for grace and guidance as you proceed from this moment on. Know that you are protected and loved.
Further reading