A Morning with Ease


When Mother Earth begins to awake, there is a symphony of sounds to welcome her into a new day. As I float somewhere between dreaming and consciousness,  I hear the birds chirping outside my window and the rest of nature buzzing pomp and circumstance. The light begins peaking through the curtains and my spirit whispers, “Good morning, sunshine. Wake up. Wake up.”  

I am a morning person through and through. I wake up to the sun tickling my face and I smile. Mornings are a very sacred time for me when the world is relatively calm enough for me to hear myself. There’s no one or thing demanding to get up and start running. I don't just wake up and jump out of bed. My day starts with love and gratitude. I snuggle up underneath the covers and pray.  Before I even open my eyes I meditate. This is the one moment that I get to commune with myself and set my intention for the day. And as I open my eyes, I let the light of the day in.

With all of the noise and demands of our modern world, it’s difficult not to start your day glued to your phone. A blaring alarm goes off just after the crack of dawn and you awake either awake in a nervous frenzy or in a fog. The bulk of your morning normally involves mundane tasks to help you get out the door, get ready for work, or get your family ready for their day. Where are those moments for you? When do you have time between brushing your teeth, getting dressed, and stuffing some kind of nourishment in your mouth to really spend time with yourself? What are you doing besides chugging a cup of caffeine to help you fuel up for the day?  

This is when a solid morning ritual comes into play. Mornings are that time for you to prepare yourself for the day mentally, physically, and spiritually. We often away in a rush instead of ease. Think about what that does to your mind-body. It puts you on edge and makes you jumpy. Now imagine what it’s like to be awakened with a gentle nudge and love. Imagine waking up with gratitude. 

That is my reality because I choose it. People have asked me why I’m such a happy person in the mornings. My morning begins like this because I choose that with every single breath. I have these moments when I meditate, when I make tea, or even the nI’m giving myself a facial and I savor those moments. And when I do it’s like time is suspended and I am floating. A good morning ritual will have you feeling rooted in the present and floating at the same time. 

While I don’t expect for anyone to adopt my morning rituals down to every detail, I do want to introduce you to a morning that is available to you: A morning of ease. You don’t have to wake up feeling like a zombie. You can awake feeling calm and empowered. That’s what Mornings with Nikia is all about. Starting your day with rituals that anchor you creates a safe space that you can always come back to… that sanctuary within yourself.

Choose to wake up in the morning with gratitude. Choose to spend your day living out your purpose. Choose love. Choose you.