Introducing The Journal

Over the last few months, I have emerged from a funk. Perhaps I’m still looking at it from the wrong way, because honestly it gave me time to regroup. All of my chakras were out of alignment. I had almost forgotten how to express parts of myself and I needed a reminder that I could do it.

While sitting at a coffee shop one morning in March I had an idea. I began to think back on my days as a managing editor of a Black beauty online magazine and remembered something about myself: I am not only a storyteller and but a curator of stories. And there are stories to be told and shared. Stories of hope and triumph. Stories of reflection and light. I could share stories of people I know and admire. I could create something that would help others see that they are not alone in their journey to discovery and peace.

So I sent out an S.O.S. and rounded up the brigade to create The Journal. And guess what? It’s an actual print publication! My sacral and root chakras commanded that I create something that is tangible and specific to this plane, and I listened. It took months and lots of collaboration and I am so honored to say it’s here.

You can get your own copy in online Shop and hopefully soon at locations near you. The goal is to publish quarterly with themes that speak to you. As the name says, this is an actual journal. in the back of it there is space for you to write your thoughts. Please use it to doodle and work out the clutter in your mind. Allow it to be your safe space to to express yourself.